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Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki: Fushigi na Shima no Flone

Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki: Fushigi na Shima no Flone

Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki: Fushigi na Shima no Flone

TV Series
Adventure, Drama, Historical, Slice-of-Life, ,
Quality: HD
10-year-old Flone is a very active, tomboyish sort of a girl. One day, her father receives a letter from his English friend who is now in Australia. In the letter, the friend asks her father to come down to Australia because of a serious shortage of doctors. The family decides to leave their old house in Bern. Now their drifting voyage has begun! Flone's fantastic adventures will teach children about the importance of family and the joys of living amidst nature's beauty.

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